القائمة الرئيسية


2022/23 UEFA Pre-Season Preparatory Course for Top Referees

The 2022/23 UEFA Summer course for Top Referees will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, from 27 to 29 July 2022. 

UEFA informs that, due to the tournaments and competitions that will be played during the period of the gathering, it was not possible to invite all Elite and Category 1 referees. For this reason, a selection has been made according to the lists below.

The referees not participating in the course will be followed closely and expected to complete the same fitness tests, getting appointments in the period of the course. 

A women-dedicated course will be held later in the year. 

Men's Elite 

Oliver, Taylor, Bastien, Letexier, Turpin, Aytekin, Siebert, Stieler, Zwayer, Sidirópoulos, Grinfeld, Massa, Orsato, Gözübüyük, Makkelie, Marciniak, Soares Dias, Hațegan, Kovacs, Collum, Jovanović, Kružliak, Vinčič, del Cerro Grande, Gil Manzano, Mateu Lahoz, Schärer, Çakır, Meler.

Men's Category 1

Jorgji, Lechner, Weinberger, Aghayev, Visser, Lambrechts, Peljto, Kabakov, Jovic, Strukan, Hernandez Hernandez, De Burgos Bengoechea, Brisard, Kruashvili, Stegemann, Reinshreiber, Guida, Di Bello, Rumsas, Treimanis, Dabanovic, Eskas, Raczkowski, Silva Pinheiro, Costa Verissimo, Petrescu, Fesnic, Beaton, Walsh, Glova, Jug, Obrenovic, Ekberg, Al Hakim, Nyberg, Palabyik.