القائمة الرئيسية


Having spoken as an administrative team, Chefren and I have decided to communicate the following statement. 

* Some comments on our most recent post have been deleted. We have kept a record of each comment that has been removed.

* It is too dangerous for us as a blog to condone allegations that could be seen as defamatory, without the required source(s) or evidence.

* People who have an agenda to always write in favour or against certain referees have no place on our blog that is run by volunteers who have a passion for refereeing. I would ask people who do write with such agenda, using different accounts on some occasions, to carefully consider their moral compass and more pertinently we would like to send them the firm message that they are not welcome on our Law 5 Blog. 

And, as we have said before, we will never tolerate anybody using this blog to play personal politics and we will always act against such comments. 

You have been warned - again. 

Chefren and Mikael